Il Tabarro                  Puccini

Staged illegally in a warehouse somewhere in Enmore 2016

Puccini’s stevedores are now workers in a meat factory,  loading and unloading carcasses into an industrial van. Instead of an old woman with bags full of things found on the street, Frugola is a shoplifting lad. Giorgetta is shown helping out with the accounts in the office, and Tinca drinks can after can of Toohey’s New. Giorgetta remains in a stagnant, unfulfilling relationship. Her husband Michele finds himself engaged in work as a means of dealing with tragedies in his past. Alcohol is an important symbol in the work, it swaps from a fun pastime, to pathetic. Our workers are weary, bored and trapped - each of them faced with the question ‘how do I set myself free?’

